
Molo 13

Lugano, TI
Molo 13

94% gefällt es (4.7 / 64 Bewertungen )


Adresse: Via Fola 8, 6963 Lugano, Schweiz KarteAnweisungen bekommen

Telefonnummer : +41 919 71 24 79 Anruf


Hinweis: Aufgrund vorübergehender Schließungen spiegeln die unten stehenden Zeiten die aktuellen Öffnungszeiten möglicherweise nicht genau wider.
Tag Arbeitszeit
Montag Apr 29 Geschlossen
Dienstag Apr 30 09:30-14:00
Mittwoch May 1 09:30-14:00
Donnerstag May 2 09:30-14:00
Freitag May 3 09:30-14:00 - 17:00-19:00
Samstag May 4 09:30-15:00
Sonntag May 5 Geschlossen


Molo 13 logo

In Oakland, California, there is a prominent cultural institution called the Oakland Museum of California. The museum provides visitors with a singular trip through the rich history, art, and natural landscapes of the Golden State through its engaging exhibitions and immersive experiences. The Oakland Museum of California has something enthralling to offer everyone, whether they are history buffs, art connoisseurs, or just interested in California's rich heritage.


  • 🏛️ The museum showcases over 1.9 million objects that span various disciplines, including art, history, and natural sciences, providing a comprehensive exploration of California's multifaceted identity.
  • 🎨 The art collection features a wide range of mediums, from paintings and sculptures to photography and contemporary works, offering a glimpse into California's vibrant artistic landscape.
  • 🌉 The museum's history exhibits delve into significant events that have shaped California, such as the Gold Rush, the civil rights movement, and the development of the film industry, providing a captivating narrative of the state's past.
  • 🌳 One of the museum's highlights is the natural sciences gallery, which invites visitors to explore California's diverse ecosystems and discover the unique flora and fauna that call the state home.
  • 🌎 In addition to its permanent collection, the Oakland Museum of California hosts a variety of temporary exhibitions that cover a broad range of topics, ensuring there's always something new and exciting to discover during your visit.
  • 🌟 The museum offers engaging educational programs and interactive activities for visitors of all ages, making it an ideal destination for families, school groups, and lifelong learners.
  • 🏞️ The museum's location in Oakland, California, provides a convenient base for exploring other nearby attractions, including the picturesque Lake Merritt, vibrant local markets, and diverse culinary experiences.
  • 🎟️ Admission to the Oakland Museum of California is affordable, allowing everyone to access the wealth of knowledge and beauty it has to offer.
  • 🎁 The museum's gift shop features a curated selection of unique California-inspired merchandise, from art prints and books to locally crafted goods, providing visitors with the opportunity to take a piece of California's culture home.
  • 🍽️ When hunger strikes, the museum's on-site café offers a delightful selection of refreshments and snacks, allowing visitors to relax and recharge during their visit.
  • ✅ Ritiro in negozio
  • ✅ Acquisti in negozio
  • ✅ Consegna a domicilio

LGBTQ+ friendly LGBTQ+ friendly

Heute Arbeitszeit: 09:30-15:00

Frage & Antworten

Dieser Spielefachhandel hat 4.7 Punkte von 64 Kundenbewertungen erhalten.

Die Adresse von Molo 13 lautet:

Molo 13
Via Fola 8
Lugano, 6963
P: +41919712479

Dieser Ort ist 5 Tage in der Woche geöffnet. Molo 13 ist an folgenden Tagen geöffnet:

Dienstag :   09:30-14:00
Mittwoch :   09:30-14:00
Donnerstag :   09:30-14:00
Freitag :   09:30-14:00 - 17:00-19:00
Samstag :   09:30-15:00

Nein, es ist seit Samstag, 15:00 geschlossen. Dieser Ort wird um Dienstag 09:30 wiedereröffnet.

Besuche die Website:


Molo 13 Standort